Rolled 10, 8 = 18 (2d27)
>>60410387-to-5 and 7-to-5, both James and Kiro score a win! Maybe SlamBall is due for a comeback, with the sheer enthusiasm our Marrok friend is showing for it? On the other hand, Sir Reynauld's post-apocalyptic future doesn't seem to have as much enthusiasm for Twist.. But maybe Gongalla Gaol can take up that torch, with James its first devotee and missionary?
>James Calaca (Gaol Quest)and
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)win, with Kiro joining the other kool kids at the not-kwite-king table!
Bit of a slow day on /qst/, huh? Must be the Juneteenth long weekend. Dang American holidays...