>>6166185<span class="mu-r">" yeah sure bud we can do that broski rollski i'll pingaling my chat and you can swing in with them. uh, might take a while, don't really remember who clutched it all together. it's like observational interplay of integrated systems so i made some cammies and then someone else did the whole setup and yeah yeah we're not into hierarchies maaaaan like, i don't even a boss, i don't DEAL with BOSSES you know, i'm free agent, individual, that's me, but like, obviously when we hold a non-binding dispute third tier vote on the process path that's not, like, authoritarian enforcement of rigid hierarchies it's a multipolar unity of free exchange in relation to performing of individual microtasks, so broski i didn't so much do it as maybe contributed to the overall open source project, it's been on dock for a while, actually if you're into high end spec sampling i can invite you to the workhub project and you can contribute in the spirit of fair exchange. and anyway maaaaan you ever blitz out on reavestims while doing 220 on the highway down six-on-three it's like WOOSh you see the interplay of the universe in the stoplights going by and the sirens sound like electron decay and your bikes hellaaaaaaaciously sweet PUT it HERE broski famalam my gremlin but not in a machochismo kinda way, i'm not into the hetereonormative patriarchal mode of individualization, ha ha, yeah, as Demonso wrote in the Zen of Part and Cycle Maintaining, sometimes you gotta give to get got you get meeeee?</span>