>>5615895>>5617200>>5617470You gather everyone to impart the news. You're a bit concerned about Valrik, but Urist and Borri promised to take good care of the bearded kid - and keeping their eyes on Durr the kleptomancer.
One thing bother you - Ame didn't came at the sound of the gathering Yell. You haven't seen him or heard of him since he get his greedy hands on the warpstone. You decide to investigate his shack while other are gathering their things.
He is nowhere to be found. Instead you find... Something else
>A Slime that gained Sentience and morality through magic, taking the bones of its creator to try and fit into society.
>"Ame?- That was my name. I became someone else, something else. Ame always wanted to perform some grand deeds of alchemy, worthy of granting him immortality by remembrance. He did it. Call me Slime-ame. Slame."
The thing seems ironically a lot more social than his creator. He will fit just find your multicultuRagtag bunch of misfit - that is if people can go through the bones and skull stuff, it always seem to tense people around Anemom. Well, in the sandmaze he'll go.
You gather your thing, Agathe and the Saurians included, in your necklace before flying away. Your <span class="mu-r">Sister is in charge of leading the humans and halflings to the village.
Agathe is delighted, Kreenio is enthusiast and Chotkho time off at the fighting pit seems to have cool him down.
"<span class="mu-g">What about me?</span>"
The cute little beastman is tugging at your wing.
"Sorry Apple. My necklace is full, you can't fit with the village, and if you go in the depth, pretty sure a goblin or a skaven will eat you. Your only option is going on your own."
The kid launch a heartbreaking glare reflecting the betrayal he just lived, and walks away, resigned.
With your preparation done, you take off. The realization of abandoning your home start weighting on your soul.
>Trait : Homeless - capped at 4 dice until the situation is sorted.Fate locks, and let you spectate what you avoided.
Ratmen and dark forces indeed met. Ratmen, busy with infighting - are you seeing John Harden, one of your skavens, leading the forces and fighting with another one? There where 5 of them, and recently only four... How did you missed that?
Meanwhile, the Necromancers started a ritual. Something to do with amplifying pest and disease, while decreasing poison resistance. It's a massacre. Virtually the whole skaven army fells. Then rises under the necromancer orders.
Yeah, facing an army was already difficult. A double-sized army? No way you could have taken those odds. No wonder why so many futures where you stand your ground and fought were so grim.
Time to take decisions. What's the plan you agreed with your siblings?
>Temporary retreat. Everyone gather what troops he can, regroup, assault as soon as possible.>Dispersion. Each one create a new, smaller lair. Gather a patrol. Assault with a big enough army.</span>