<span class="mu-s">Employee Q2 and R2 have entered the facility.</span>
Held back only by a strong leash and the equally strong grip of Gamma, a stoic Rottweiler stands guard on the second floor. Aside from the stoic demeanor, you don't notice anything else notable about him, aside from him glancing up at the security camera and glaring daggers into it.
In the background, you can see B2 getting the shit beaten out of him by Spike and Office Beepsky. As all things naturally should be. He'll be fine (probably).
Meanwhile, on the third floor, you see two drones chattering away over a pile of paperwork they've gotten themselves into. The new Manager is stockier and taller than Q, with a bizarre addition of something close to a face smeared on instead of what's usually featureless flesh. Though you don't see any eyes still.
"NOTED ENERGY ASSET BEING DECOMMISIONED IN YOUR PAPERWORK. CLARIFICATION REQUESTED." The firm, authoritative tone of a middle manager. Q twitches at the voice but otherwise keeps his ground as the actual superior here.
"Red Blooded American was decommissioned of its own accord. Furthermore, extraction of the far more valuable PARADIGM has been fruitful." Q scribbles down something on a piece of paper. "Further questions?"
"We may only REFINE when the Administrator allows it. I can not authorize this request."
"NOTED. PRODUCTIVE RATES OF THE OTHER ANOMALIES?" "Well, Last Shot has been very productive, so has Velvet"-
This keeps going on, so you move elsewhere.
In the former containment cell of RBA, a pile of hungover drunks lay resting at the sight of his body. Vincent, Isabelle, Hirose, and Lily are laying on the ground in a pile of beer and wine bottles. Pathetic but not much else to say.
https://youtu.be/slyXe-uYbng "ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Some sort of weird performance is kicking off in the first floor breakroom. Seven people, two girls and five men, in colorful ponchos and masks stand in front of a crowd of apathetic employees. "WE ARE..."
<span class="mu-r">"THE</span> <span class="mu-b">FREEDOM</span> <span class="mu-g">RANGERS!"</span>
<span class="mu-r">"I'M RANGER RED! REMEMBER TO ALWAYS RISE YOUR TEETH!"</span> The man in red salutes.
<span class="mu-g">"I'M RANGER GREEN! GIVE YOUR FRIENDS A GOOD MORNING!</span> The woman in green flashes a peppy smile.
<span class="mu-b">"I'M RANGER BLUE! BLUE IS THE BEST COLOR, SHUT UP!"</span> The man in blue scowls at the crowd.
<span class="mu-s">"I'M RANGER BLACK! NO, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS, DON'T SUE US!</span> The man in black scratches something onto a notepad.
<span class="mu-i">"I'M RANGER IINDIGO! I WOULD ALWAYS CALL A RANGER FOR HELP!</span> The woman in indigo keeps her hand near the holster.
"I'M RANGER GREY. THEY DID NOT PAY FOR A CATCHPHRASE." The drone in grey...stands there.
"AND I'M RANGER TEAL! THANKS FOR SPONSORING US AND LETTING US TOUR HERE!" The man in teal waves towards the crowd and the camera.