>>5370141Most importantly, however, it hits the robots, but you don’t stay and watch, instead shifting into a half-crouched run to get out of the way. A few drops of acid manage to hit your arms and exposed back as you make it behind Boleski in the nick of time, your flesh quickly sealing itself back over.
In a matter of seconds, the once-pristine hallway is reduced to something that reminds you of a white-and-green hunk of Swiss cheese, and, once Boleski ends his onslaught, you turn around to survey the damage.
Amid the acidic destruction is a survivor, the bot that Julia had been so kind to impale. Still trying to skitter towards you in a wobbly, half-drunken sort-of gait, the small bot refuses to give up. Just when it gets close enough, you put it out of its misery, relishing in the feel of metal crunching beneath your foot.
Movie-bot, too, wheels around as if its brethren didn’t just get completely decimated. Innocently, it scoots up to you and Julia, looking curiously up at the crystalline woman before scanning her like it did to you. Julia raises her hands to her eyes, not expecting the onslaught of bright light; when she lowers them, the glare she gives the bot is one that could melt ice.
“ERROR: NO SIGNS OF LIFE.” It beeps out, not sure what to make of Julia.
“NO SIGNS OF LIFE.” It repeats, fully convinced that the crystalline woman is not alive. “NO SIGNS OF–” A well-placed shard to the head shuts it up for good.
“I hate this place,” Julia says decidedly, her arm crackling as new crystal grows back in its place. “Let’s go find the others.” With that, she struts off in the direction where you thought you’d left Bernard and Valjean, not looking back to see if you and Boleski are following.
“Bots are down. Coming back to you guys,” You speak into your comm.
“Yeah, we’re comin’ towards you right now, or I think we are.” Is Bernard’s fizzly response. “We’re just pretty much followin’ where those freaky robots went, but you’ll probably find us first.”
You find Bernard and Valjean waiting for the three of you at a four-way intersection between hallways, an especially-narrow one reminding you of the one you’d purposefully avoided.
‘Oh shit. This is the end of the hallway, isn’t it?’ You realize, eyes trailing up to the next directory sign, which actually isn’t a directory at all.