Quoted By:
Though for what it's worth, those are the details for common members. If you made it known that you were a superhuman, then things would probably be very different for you. If they haven't had another like you here in decades, then who knows how much they might bend over backwards for you... but then, who knows what they might want from you as well. You're not sure you like the idea of donating your genetics, however that might be done.
<span class="mu-g">"Oh won't you stay? We were going to have such a good time together!"</span>
<span class="mu-b">"I'll try and come back... I have to go and see my da- I mean, there's things I have to do, but I... I really appreciate what you both did for me."</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Awww, come here! Our little Cat, how will we ever enjoy ourselves now without you?"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Don't forget your money... don't go spending it all now!"</span>
It takes much effort and determination for your part to decline the fawning and attention from the twins, to pressure and tempt you into staying with them. All sorts of wonderful things they promise that would make your life oh so pleasant hereafter. But at the end of it all, they don't try and stop you or force you to stay, and merely inform the other staff of your desired departure as is custom. The pair of them lead you outside then, for a teary goodbye on their behalf. Hugs and kisses from them both, and hopeful wishes that you'll return soon.
And after that, they hand you your stolen money and the malfunctioned jetpack (moved into fancy carrying cases, assumedly by the staff) and pat you along your way. Waving and calling goodbye from the front steps as you trek across the gravel drive, led by a valet to your car again. Stowing all your belongings in the trunk again, and several minutes sitting behind the wheel simply trying to process everything that transpired at this strange place... wondering if it all wasn't just some strange dream, before starting the car up.
Driving slowly the long gravel way across the grounds and back to the entrance, back to the real world beyond the gates.
With your phone to rely on again, you're able to navigate your way from the member's club grounds back home, to Southside Malton. By having your phone on again to navigate though, you can't help notice all that has transpired since you silenced it. Countless calls, messages, and texts from dad, but also your friends as well... it seems he got in contact with them too, trying to see if you'd gone with them as to why you wouldn't be answering him.
<span class="mu-b">"Oh damn, now Kelly and Chris might suspect something... dad would never tell them anything, but..."</span>
When eventually you do make it back home or at least back to your neighborhood, it's around midday. You hesitate from actually driving up to your house though, going up the driveway to park, instead idling from a distance away and watching. Wondering what you should do, and how. Knowing, fearing what to expect and nervous to act.