>>5152302>Base DC for a moral appal to goblins: 16“Zith’s got a point,” Zi speaks up in your defence. “This is bad for business, for all of us, and not just business. We have to do something about this.”
It seems you’ve got one of them on your side, at least.
“Well of course you’d say that,” the other female jeers. “The whole fucking PLACE heard you two going at it.”
Zi flushes again, but then narrows her eyes and smirks. “What, jealous?”
“Like hell I am!” the other female snaps back. “Unlike you, I don’t swing off any tall tree.”
Zi fumes, but the older goblin—the eye-patched one—silences her with a gesture.
>16“Hold up,” he says. “I got kids. You got siblings, and cousins. The half-orc’s got a point.”
The twins groan, but they don’t leave. The elder meets your eyes—well, one eye, anyway—and and asks about your plan.
>Spread out to canvass the area, hoping someone gets lucky and spots it, then can signal the others“Sounds reasonable,” he says, nodding. “Many hands, light work. I get the gist. But what do we do if we find this… Hellhound?”
“Well, of coursse we will try out best to prevent anyone from coming to harm by whatever means we can,” you say. “Ssomeone should run interference, to prevent guards or the Inquissition from interfering…”
“And why shouldn’t they?” the male twin protests. “Our taxes pay their fucking salaries so they can handle this sort of shit!”
“Bro,” his sister says, “I’m all for letting humies handle this, but we don’t pay taxes.”
“It’s the principle,” he grumbles.
“Exactly fucking right,” Zi chimes in. “What, you want to run to the humans every time anything goes wrong? And then what—they decide we can’t handle our own shit? We’re too much trouble, drive us off? Or maybe all these guards and wiz-kids just hang around FOREVER, getting all up in our affairs?”
“Right,” the old goblin says. “This is Goblintown. We’ll handle this like goblins.”
Zi grins, clearly happy to have this influential old male in her (and by proxy YOUR) corner. The twins grumble again.
“And how do you propose we handle the hellhound once the humans are distracted?” the old goblin asks.
“I have… Meanss. Familiarity with occultissstss and their demonss.”
“It’s true,” Zi points out. “She’s handled ‘em before, after all. We all know it.”
“I’ll trap it, or bind it,” you say.
“And if you can’t?” the old goblin presses, “Or if you aren’t the first one to find it?”