Rolled 38, 2, 11, 64, 14, 95, 4, 92, 96, 12 = 428 (10d100)
>>6009431>Name:Serene Republic of Enlightened Goatmen
>Leader's name:First Speaker Baaran
>Color(for if/when I get a map):>General location:Upon the gentle rolling coasts of the Shimmering Sea where the River Itza flows
>Fluff about nation:Formed originally as a defensive alliance among goatmen villages to fend off other more savage beastmen, the Serene Republic has slowly evolved into a proper state. From within each village an elder is elected from among those over the age of thirty and then these elders gather to elect a First Speaker to guide the Assembly of Voices and represent them in foreign affairs. While a peaceful nature at heart the Goatmen are not afraid to form militias and defend their homes to the last breath.
>Fluff about leader:First Speaker Baaran is a wise and gentle goatmen elected from among the village elders to represent the republic. By his guiding hand he hopes to bring a new age of prosperity and peace to his people.
>General magic practices:The Goatmen commune with the spirits of their ancestors calling up them for aid in elaborate rituals. Every family maintains a shrine to their ancestors which is central to their cultural practices.
>Population: 9850>Military:4 Goatman Patrolmen +1.2
>Power level: 1>Tech Level: 1>Bonus:Recruitment: +10
Shamanism: +5
>Tech:[Weaponsmithing I]
[Medicine I]
[Tools I]
[Construction I]
>Buildings:[Orchards II]
[Forge I]
[Mines I]
[Quarry I]
[Lumber Mill I]
[Capital II]
[Shrine I]
[Barracks I]
>Others:[Copper Ore]
[Protective Trinkets]
[Copper Tools]
[Fresh Produce]
[Capraopolis, Pearl of the Republic]*
>In Development:Cultivating power! 4/?
Turn 37
1. In the aftermath of Billy’s Rebellion the Assembly of Voices decides that something must be done with the youth, their minds were too easily poisoned by the promises of a madman. It is decided that a school must be made and compulsory education for all young goats to learn to cherish the spirit of democracy of which the republic is founded.
2. Cultivating power! 4/?
Turn 38
1. Begun construction of hunting outposts in the nearby woods to gather pelts, meat and bones for trade in the city.
2. A grand market will be erected within Capraopolis where people from all over the nation can come to trade.
Turn 39
1. With the brutal conflict the patrolmen have learned of a greater need to be able to defend themselves against unruly hordes. Shields will be designed to help defend themselves and giving them the ability to create an unbreakable wall.
2. From plates of copper new armor will be created to better equip the goatmen and defend them even further.
Turn 40
1. A small fishing wharf is created heading out into the sea for men to fish off of.
2. Small boats are created to better carry men out to sea and along the coasts.
Turn 41
1-2. A simple network of roads is created spiraling out from Capraopolis connecting every village within the budding nation to it’s heart.