Rolled 4, 6, 5, 6, 10, 3, 5, 8, 6, 5 = 58 (10d10)
>>5722677Death reaped the battlefield like never before. The staccato crack of gunfire raged ever closer as the remnants of the 5th Independent Grenzer Company prepared to sell their lives dearly. To the right, Totmann's platoon was fighting tooth and nail in a cloud of baleful sickly yellow smoke, and to the left there was only the cold unforgiving sea. When she had last spoken to Totmann, he did not say it but she knew that they would be fighting to the last man in this little patch of woods. Soon a set of steel clad trucks would disgorge their Arditi in front of her, she and her soldiers would kill and be killed, and that would be that. She had heard nothing from her own forward observers as of yet and took to tracing a nail over her tin of incense.
Clara heard it before the runner got to her, the crush of tank treads. Becker slung her trusty Messer across her chest and took up a bundle grenade and held up her hand signalling the platoon not to stop. They would wait until they were as close as could be. As they crept closer and closer the sight of a steady pilot light made her stomach sink; flamethrower tanks. It was an agonizing wait, not knowing if they had been spotted, if she was simply allowing them to advance in range but she could do nothing but tamp down on those feelings and hope.
50 Meters.
30 Meters.
20 Meters.
Good Enough. With another gesture her platoon revealed themselves from the trees and rained explosives on the Vitelians. Three seemed to land under the lead tank almost simultaneously, the suspension visibly bucking from the shock. Another grenade landed directly on the engine deck of the second vehicle, a visible rupture pitting the armor after detonating.
They couldn't be allowed the time to recover, time seemed almost still as she took a second grenade and began running forward. Behind her, pilot lights ignited as they prepared to torch their enemies out if need be. The flickering flames ahead of her presaged death if those tankers recovered and pulled the trigger, all that would be needed would be a small pivot and she would die like Hoffman had, blind to the world and screaming. She readied herself, and threw.
>Turn>Initiative(5+1(Radio)-1(Chemical Protection)+3(No Movement Last Turn)=8)>Spotting>Attack W20 AB12/27LF with Grenades and Flamethrowers (ATK 2, Knife Fighter)>Prepare Fire and Maneuver