Rolled 19 - 1 (1d20 - 1)
You waste no time and attempt to bite down the archsivir’s head! However you end up only biting the air! She ducked under rather rapidly, darn! These things are rather naturally slippery!
You’re not letting her get off so easy though, her still being so close you take advantage of her position and try to haphazardly stab her arm. “Aaagh!”. Huh. You didn’t expect that reaction, matter of fact you actually sort of screwed up that stab, so to merit that reaction it would mean that these manner of attacks… yes… now you understand what’s going on.
The slimy witch looks somewhat tired from that action she did, interesting. She might not be able to do that motion again as easily now. Thinking over your epiphany of what you identified from the archsivir, you notice that she has given her back to you and swings her lower body towards you! The archsivir is putting her all into this.
“Hnngh!” She grunts. Looks like you’ve got a spiky slimy tail coming right your way, you quickly wonder hard about how you should respond.
>Hmm, what should you do here?HP: 15/16 MP: 10/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.52/6.0 aum} : 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 2 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 21 Pence {0.020} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8} [Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2} - 12 Nails {0.050}
ON-VINE: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]