>>6107771Even if Superman is here, still doesn't mean your part is done. You're already involved yourself and you need to see through this to the end. Can't leave things half-assed. You stealthily avoid Superman on the off chance he might find you. Flying through the wing, you see all kinds of projects and advanced machinery left abandoned during lockdown. Oddly enough, none of the labs are closed down as part of securities measures.
Now you find yourself in front of reinforced steel gate that the infiltrators have set up shop. The door doesn't look to be broken into at all. Was this an inside job? Who'd go to such lengths? The answer might lay on the other side.
>'Ring, got any more information on the ones in the back? How should I tackle this?'You say as gunfire echos behind you. They seem to be determined to the bitter end.
'There are 4 males and 2 females. 3 of the males are armed, and all but one of them have elevated heart rates. Simply put, they're panicking. Suggestion: eliminate the hostiles and secure the area. Use your invisibility to your advantage. Scans indicated a passageway hidden in the occupied chamber. They may likely use it to escape.'
>'What is in there anyway?''I need to be in close proximity in order to answer that.'
>'Here goes nothing...'You walk through the door to see a rather bright room with numerous cables leading up to a central conduit. Two guards flank each side of the entrance. With the rest messing with the conduit. Within the it is a piece of technology that is nothing you've seen before. Is this one of S.T.A.R Labs secret project? Is this what they're after? This is what led them to barge in guns blazing just for this? You may be greedy, but the means better justify the ends.
But that isn't your greatest concern, it's the other guy overseeing all of this. He's the calm one. Like he already knows how this will end. There's something else to him. Whatever the case, he's getting out of here in handcuffs. You knock out the two guards on overwatch in quick session. However, the other one put two and two together rather well and grabbed one of the scientists with a gun to her head.
'I don't how that happened-but I know someone is in here. Come out or I'll kill every single one of them!' son of a bitch is still cool as a cucumber. You look around to see if there is anything out of place the Ring didn't pick up. Nothing pops out.
'I have multiple explosives implanted around the building. If you don't come out, I'll detonate them!'
>'...Is he bluffing?''My previous scan did not indicate any such devices. I can do a more thorough search.' So that's why he was so calm, if he couldn't get his hands on the prize. Then no one can.
'Scan complete, I have not detected any explosives on the grounds. Not any active. Someone must've discovered them.'
>'Superman, you beautiful bastard!' You casually aim and drop the guy with ease. The other scientists comfort their traumatized colleague.