Snakemouth Den, Bug Fables inside of the temple is… damp. About an inch of still, clear water covers all of the ground in every direction, draining slowly from small perforations along the wall and trickling in through small fountains adorned with suicune statues. A thick foggy mist snakes over the floor everywhere you look, leaving the air humid, but clear. It feels and smells breezy and refreshing. Well, for most of you...
There are a few feral Vaporeon and Anorith wandering about, but they either aren’t too interested in you, or flee for the scarce seconds they can acknowledge you before the time loop resets them.
A ways in, there’s a small branch in the path. Only the first looks like it leads anywhere...
>Side roomA Pair of Kingdra are fawning over a small horsea, directly in front of two treasure chests, Deluxe Boxes.
>Forward pathThe ceiling is collapsing, dropping tons of heavy marble all over the place in the way forward. It’s not even over when time begins to loop again, and it’s already started by the time the loop begins. There’s no opening to cross!