>>5246722It is sort of interesting Wuxian QM because the cards you drew
>>5246692>>5246703>>5246705>>5246708exactly matched the discussion on stock markets central banks and nuclear weapons lol down to the meme you posted, pepe on bed/couch, and nine of swords lol. The inverted Magician showed how your response is the opposite of the traditional Nine of Swords interpretation.
>>5246681>>5246705But really it is just confirmation bias and suggestibility, you could probably have drawn anything and tarot apophenia would have led to some coincidental conclusion. This is probably how all meaning is derived from the random engines of our lives
>>5246755argh it is the demon BSubSIRI (no idea what it means)
no more Tarot readings I do not want to annoy the earlier anon with more tarot spam lol the power of tarot has completely withered, pic related