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1 nina: what is this!!!
middle of nowhere. looks like desert. cactus have arms. metal flowers. mountains sideways
3 tamako: that’s our ride
car looks old. unkept. unloved
1 nina: is that car?
3 tamako: not sure. looks like it
nina peeks windows. car structure. but, back weird. seat upside-down. door on roof
1 nina: worst car ever
3 tamako: still has fuel. any nice ideas?
1 nina: where we going?
tamako points sky. red like, vertical. far, bright, immense. joystick above
1 nina: at least obvious
3 tamako: road not so
1 nina: ideas. hmmm…
nina thinks. tamako no chemicals. distance far
1 nina: what’s time limit?
3 tamako: line always fading
1 nina: no clock? hmp! too vague
nina pushes car. it moves
1 nina: it’s kinda light!
3 tamako. no. you are strong
1 nina: oh, that’s right
>mission: get car there!