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I'm late so if my shit doesn't count tell me and I'll ignore this thread.
Name: The Democratic Republic of Children of Sir Faust. It may be abbreviated to DRCSF for short. Why would such a nation name themselves this could be attributed to the hivemind-like mentality of the citizens.
Race: There is only one race who dub themselves Gloinkers. The citizens of DRCSF are artificial humanoids who gained movement seemingly through magic. Though mostly the same, their design slightly differs citizen to citizen. Whether this is purely for cosmetic reasons to differentiate Gloinkers or more practical ones is currently unknown, as they have just recently settled in. From surface level observation, Gloinkers may have a central intelligence or "queen" of sorts that can be their weak point since most grunts seem mindless, unable to hold onto one thought for too long without guidance. Though the location of such a being, or even the existence of one is of as of yet unconfirmed. The entity called "Faust" in the nation's name is also unconfirmed to be a Gloinker. The connection between the two seems likely, though not established. Though one peculiar thing that should be mentioned, Gloinkers are observed to be able to "sense" one another at a certain range. Perhaps being able to view the magic inside one another like a GPS spotting a serial number.
Religion: Gloinkers are unable to have religion since the common citizen seem to barely be able to have independent thought. Loyalty to the country is absolute, since the thought The concept of such divinity is unknown to the Gloinkers, though they understand magic exists, as the DRCSR's beliefs and motivations mostly seem to come from something "real". It could be the "queen" stated earlier, though another theory is that the hivemind could be the network itself, rather than 1 rooted entity. The closest thing they do have a religion is a fondness for a being named "Faust." Though, his nature doesn't seem divine in Nature.
Preffered Color: Black to represent the blankness and void that is the Gloinkers. Also because we're running out of colors and I have no idea what's available other than this possibly.
Capital Name: The Capital is simply named, "Dad's Library". Perhaps Gloinkian? Or related to Faust?
Culture: Gloinkers don't have individuality. There is no music, only the sounds of the movements of their bodies. There is no entertainment, only work and the rest and repair they get in-between.There is no fictional literature. Any books that do exists consists of solely facts, such as reports on resources and interactions with other factions. Things like flavor and pain, perhaps even psychological due to the circumstances, don't even exist in a Gloinker's World.