>>5922228"Your Majesty, I can only report what I personally witnessed. Meep. They have never been called by Avalon. They belong to the World, never having been a Lost Child. They're a complete mystery to me. It should not be possible to be blessed and fight as a Wizard, King or Knight. They are supposedly 'Gawain', 'Gareth', 'Lancelot', 'Merlin', and 'Arthur' but, by the pricking of my horns, I don't believe they are who they claim they are. They think they are. I think they're imposters. Meep. Egads, don't mention that to the Society. They'll skin me alive if they hear what I just said!" The Baphomet sweats at the terrible consequences at the hands of his fellows.
"And why would they do that?"
"Because I am claiming 'Arthur' is not King Arthur. Dread Argeste offers Camelot to anyone who will fight to keep the city. Just because he offered it to someone claiming to be 'Arthur' doesn't actually mean she is King Arthur." The guide looks incredibly stressed and nervous as he explains to you, his sovereign and King, his thoughts on the matter. It is clearly something he does not want shared with his fellow Baphomets.
You need to convince this little goat that he's not going to be betrayed. "Be assured, this will be something I will keep in confidence between myself and you. Not even Hanbei will know of your suspicions. Though I wonder if Hanbei suspects it too."
"I doubt mightily that any of my comrades has dared to consider the very idea of it, Seneschal Hanbei included. I have been betwixt the World and Avalon dozens of times now. Islands to the east, the edge of the world, Florida, and..."
"Huh, Florida? Wait, you mean, the USA? Are you saying I can go anywhere in the World? Like Hawaii?"
For a moment, you dream of the warm sands of Hawaii. You always wanted to go overseas.
"I do not know of this Hawaii you speak of. But if you have visited this Hawaii before and are willing to pay the price of mana, I can find a gate to take you there. But please, for the love of the Lady, not Florida. Florida was terrible. Rodomonte had been to that dangerous land once before becoming a Lost Child and wished to rob an old guestfriend of his Relics. The man did not appreciate the attempted theft. What did he say again? 'Broke into the wrong god damn 'wreck room', didnae ye, ya bastard?' and unleashed something unholy from his thunder metal. The attack was called the 'Second Amendment', apparently all monsters called Americans possess it."
"Americans are humans. They have these things called guns and.... Damn, I guess Hawaii is out then. I've never been there before."
"The further away you wish to go, the higher the price in Mana. But if ye have never been to the land before, it will be very expensive and potentially very dangerous."