Dammit! Fold! Override the lockdown! See if he's got a memory chip or something we can-- maybe he missed a vital organ okay no that's a lot of brain matter! Focus, we need to--
( With a spray of fragmentation and a sundering series of cacophony crumps, THUD THUD THUD, small explosive packages packed into the workstation render it from a state of the art machine to a series of broken scrap. Agent Fold stumbles, slamming against the wall from the shockwave, fragmentation scytching across his skin )
... okay. D-doing it manually then. Alright. Okay. Okay. Well.
We still have the SecMon station. That one has primary control over the internal security. We... we can work with this. Is everyone good? Are there any other bad shocks springing from the cupboards?
Fold, talk to me man. Are you alright? Fold!
>>6159218Agent Monarch, you're at the security monitoring post. Listen very carefully, we're going to need you to override a full internal lockdown. Luckily this one shouldn't be-- okay it's rated for biohazard control, which, apparently, he had? In this safehouse? We have GOT to start vetting these clients better.
Okay, listen, this is what you're going to want do...
>[Breach Phase to come]