>>5853462https://youtu.be/xbMBMM59l0w?si=N9FKkEijG6wIbyXHHolding the Sword of Braves in your mech’s hand, you look up at the portal to the moon. You gotta close this up, before it causes any more damage to this place. Just letting it collapse isn’t gonna be enough, it could cause further risks. You hold a hand up, trying to replicate how you manipulated the spacetime barrier with Shadow Magic by first seeing how it works, and if you can harmonize with it. Maybe, just maybe, you can use it to better understand the portals that everyone got sent through. You… very vaguely get a sense of being able to close it up, maybe you CAN understand how this works!
…But it looks like that’ll take too long, as even the larger monster in here gets pulled out into the void. Damn. You still need to close it up, but first you need to plug the hole. Lifting your sword up, you channel your energy into it, letting it glow with power. You then hold it with both hands, letting the Shadow Magic you channeled into it flow with your Ki and harmonize into the sword. Then, you thrust it upward, yelling out as you extend an energy blade from the sword and carve into the moon itself! You then slash out an approximate circular shape from the surface, which ends up being pulled from the moon and towards the portal as you bring the sword back down!
The chunk of moon rock slowly moves towards the increasingly unstable wormhole, and you and Piccolo both get out of the way, then watch as they collide. The sudden plug, along with the lingering Magic from your sword carving out the chunk, causes the portal to stabilize a bit and seal up around the rock, then close with a quick SNAP that slices the top part of the chunk off.
You all breathe out a sigh of relief. “Come on, let’s get back to Cheelai and the boys.” you say to the group.
“Yes.” Basilea agrees, then she looks up at you. “I’ll admit, Izumi, not the solution I would have expected.”
“Worked, didn’t it?” you question, rubbing your nose a bit and grinning.
Basilea slightly smiles. “That it did. Girls, let’s go.”
“Yeah… just… gimme a moment so my head stops spinning…” Shun Shun remarks in a daze.