>>5696268-Have you ever wondered -
Millicent whispers, gazing out upon the dragonflies amidst the pond flowers and water lillies,
-Have you ever wondered... what this is all for? Why wear beautiful dresses, why keep butlers and carriages, why give a luncheon party, a ball or a banquet, why buy a house in the country and pull it down and build it up again - When here, this ripple of water, this shade of sky and this snatched handful of light: they are all mine, they are the same in my life, as in yours. The fragrant nenuphars bloom and beckon as nymphs upon mirrored water; the wind-blown reeds dance even as ferns let drop the dew of their tears into the secret pools among rushes that scarce could bathe a star. And the curlews wade through mottled waters, on stilted legs stabbing their curved bills into the worms wriggling between pebbles and mud. I suppose you will answer with something trite - that it is for Love. But I do not see it in this place, I do not see Love...