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“Calm down, everyone. I’m always prepared for situations like this…” You bring out your reliable thin helmet, what plebeians would call a ‘paper bag,’ and put it on. “The things I do to do my best…” You’re a tragic figure.
“A paper bag?!” Scarlet wasn’t expecting this at all. After the initial shock, she doesn’t seem thrilled.
“Where *exactly* did you hide it?” Suan De brought these clothes to you, she made sure there wasn’t anything weird in them, and yet, the paper bag came here unscathed. The Slob Dragon is realizing she’s an amateur.
“I don’t know.” You shrug now that you can move your arms again.
“Regardless, I don’t believe it’ll have much of an effect!” Giorsal finds your plan silly and you a ridiculous man.
“<span class="mu-i">Wah!</span> What happened?” Aurora snaps out of it, your plan is a success. “Oh yeah, I remember, Johnny is here! Hi, Johnny! Huh? Why the paper bag? You got a pimple? I get it. I can share a cream that works wonders if you want.”
“...Why did it work?” Giorsal doesn’t like this.
“Rora is kinda silly, remember?” Scarlet sighs.
“Don’t say that.” The Judge is non-judgmental.
“You owe me an apology, Cloud Head.” You raise your eyebrow despite it being impossible to see.
“I-I’m sorry for not believing in the paper bag…” Giorsal admits her faults. You’re satisfied.
“You were right not to.” Suan De won’t believe in nonsense no matter what.
“Even if evidence shows the contrary, hmm?” You ask.
“Since the world relies on her, I don’t want her common sense to deteriorate.” Suan De says.
“That’s unscientific.” You retort.
“You <span class="mu-i">are</span> unscientific.” The Slob Dragon deadpans.