>>5815641>>5815669>>5815717>>5815880>>5816191>>5816441>>5816453>>5816478Yeah... Something feels wrong.
Clothes, underwear, glasses, shoes, check... Oh, of course. You were missing your <span class="mu-s">Justice Piercer</span>. Can't get much killing done without it.
You climb the shelf and grab it, ignore that OP forgot to change the design on this drawing, and then you are ready to go.
All feelings of uneasiness are now gone for sure. Right? Everything seems in place. Time to leave.
Looking out the window you notice two things...
1: The same hobo from last time is still there.
2: There's an abandoned motorcycle just sitting there in parking lot. Maybe you should use it. Finders keepers and all that.
So, let's head back into <span class="mu-b">Santa</span> <span class="mu-r">Destroy</span>!
But where are we headin'?
>K*Job Center, get the cash ASAP.>Destroy Memorial Park.>To see your master, Pimpslap McGraw>Eri's Workshop, upgrades ahoy!>Go get some rad shirts.