Quoted By:
‘’I would like a tour of the shipyards. If you would please.’’’
‘’That can be arranged, we shall take a high ranking shuttle. That way, the imperial security team won’t suspect anything.’’
And so you do take a tour of the shipyards. Both the ordinary civilian dock and the heavier military yards. The part around the ring can be done on ground and you see a great many a variety in men and machines moving parts around and installing them. From the smaller ships that can be constructed in the beartable hangars to the larger ships being assembled in the void.
When you do take the shuttle you are treated to what might have been one of the greatest concentrations of Imperial fleet power in the galaxy. If they were assembled. Most are barely finished with the superstructure and other things still missing, Others are nearly ready to be used. You are witness to the installation of a turbolaser on one of the ISD’s, a process made easier thanks to the lack of gravity.
‘’Isn't it grand? These yards have been in my family since the founding of the republic. But not since the Ruusan reformation did we ever get such large orders. Though despite the wealth it brings in it also brings unwelcome attention.’’
‘’In the form of the Empire?’’ You say as you and Kuat overlook the docks filled with ISD’s
‘’Yes, don’t think having a large shipyard is only a blessing. We have been needing to watch our step for quite some time. Any slipup and the entire shipyard would be nationalised under the flimsiest of pretences. And that is my warning to you also, Adal Tregassi. The Empire will attempt to pry away anything it wishes form you should you not be carefull.
The time after the tour flashes by in a blur. Contract signing, a photoshoot and press conference for the holonet and stock market and a celebratory dinner held in an exclusive restaurant on the Kuat orbital array.
When you finally board your yacht again you at last have the opportunity to talk to the real estate agents and developers that you had let loose upon the elite of Kuat.
‘’And did you sell all our uninhabited islands?’’
‘’Well a portion of them. There are still plenty of them left that we weren’t able to sell or lease.’’
>Oh well, it's time to depart back home. Place some of these places on the holonet.
>I have an idea, you and your team shall go on tour of the core promoting these islands to the rest of the galactic elite.