Quoted By:
• Operation: Talisman
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Catastrovania Strifaust Morituros IX |
‣ Continent: Yongesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Infiltrate Castle of the Tengu and establish hacking link to Imperial Servers |
• Operation: Knightfall
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Assassinate Grandmaster of a fanatic Woldorian Knightly Order |
• Operation: Ashigaru Uprising
‣ Risk Level: 2 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis
‣ Continent: Shengesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Disrupt massive Ashigaru conscription effort against Joshu Daimyo |
• Operation: Redead
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Eskart |
‣ Continent: Shengesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Foil errant Necromancer's attempt to establish a new Afterseas Coven |
• Operation: Expansion
‣ Risk Level: 1 |
‣ Acting CO: Charles Huxton |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Establish a forward firebase in the central alps |
• Operation: Opening
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Charles Huxton |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Attempt to open a possible abandoned Heer Bunker discovered recently |
• Operation: Kill the Spy
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Hale Felwitz |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Deal with possible Temple mole suspected to be in Eikrise City |
• Operation: Unlikely Ally
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: Assist a small Heer detachment in defending a trade post in the Peninsula against Samurai raiders |
>The mission survey is open. Operations are free to commence.
>Commence an operation.
>Exit Psyops Deployments.