Upon the sands of the shore, you can see a frantic Thelemy Maskelyne. He is scrabbling amongst the detritus and driftwood of the sands, the morass of memories and belongings:
-Where is it? Where is it?? No, no! It was just here... I cannot have lost it...
>You have one chance now. Pull out the cane sword... unsheathe it from the jagged meat of your own chest... and stab the treacherous magician Thelemy Maskelyne whilst he is distracted...>If you draw the sword, you will bleed to death. Try and retrieve some item from your scattered belongings?QM: you can retrieve as many items or weapons as you wish (you can access them all, they are just flung and scattered all around) yet the more objects you retrieve, the greater chance of being noticed... write in what item / what you would like to do.
You feel the shadow of writhing hands reaching out to grasp for you... Mortmain is here. He must be bound to one of these items... but which one?
>The Strange Brass Key? Destroy it, somehow?>The Pram? Destroy this? Or something else?>The Thaumatrope? Is this the item? What to do with it?>The Sandglass? Shatter the glass?>Where is that furtive Shrouded Man? Has he been pulled into this red realm too? Hunt around for himQM: you think that the demented painter Francis Leighton, or some echo of his former sanity, has indeed ventured into this realm before, ie the surmise here
>>5715701Mariamne is dying, trapped and drowning in Maskelyne's sinister rite. You must reach her...
>Wade into the darkness of the watery depths>Something else?QM: oops, I wrote and updated this before I saw your posts here
>>5715701>>5715704(Sorry anon!) But it is not too late, you still have the chance to fire all the guns you want...