Quoted By:
ರೃ<span class="mu-i"> Lucinda Newhorn </span>ರೃ
HP: 100
DP: 100
Condition: Normal
<span class="mu-g">Despair Roll: 98
Random Event Roll: 8, 2, 56, 27, 68, 75, 49
Happens?: 8 (Yes)
Stat: 2 (Power)
Type: 56 (Negative)
Magnitude: 27 (Magnitude 2)
Encounter?: 68 (No.)
<span class="mu-s">
—Mitre Railway Station (Rooftop)---
<span class="mu-s">A</span>venue Dr. Jose Ramos Mejia, the single street with the most bus stops in all of Argentina, plagues the air with a cacophony of car horns, doors slammed shut, drivers talking shit, and the sound of life. On one side, the Monumental Tower- on the other, Lucinda Newhorn standing on the rooftop of Mitre Railway Station. Who stares at the big clock on the tower with clean disdain. Why copy the englishmen who got their riches through piracy, and now act all fancy despite the widows they made?
‘Lady Lu’, ‘Miss Grimms’, the ‘Phantom Fucker’; all over Buenos Aires, Magical Girls from every faction got creative with the nicknames they gave her. So yes, it had been a very active year for Miss Lady Lu The Extreme Phantom Fucker. Ten months ago, a local team, desperate for a Grief Seed, demanded her to give up the one she just got, first through sympathy, then by force. An euphoric third party witnessed Lucinda crushing girl after girl only to give up the Grief Seed herself, then rumors started, then the challengers came, then the offers, and finally the stories. That she was a monster made by the Coordinators. That the cat granted her two wishes instead of one. Immune to social validation, Lucinda had no interest, from the start, in fame or attention- and the fact that she genuinely didn’t care made it all the worse.
None of them ever believed it when Lucinda said she just had been lucky. Which she firmly believed. Every now and then someone wins the lottery. It happens. It wasn’t humility born out of heroism, it was simple grounded rationality; cold, fact based, objective if the word has any weight.