Quoted By:
“ Well, Sergeant, we are still alive. “
“ Sir “
“ And frankly it seems there’s too many Bat-Ears for them to kill us all at once. “
“ Sir “
“ And I’ve finally unjammed my rifle. “
“ Sir? “
“ So I say we give the rest of the Battalion a fighting chance. “
“ . . . Sirrr? “
“ Well, we can take them. “
“ SIR “
“ What? It’s only the entire front. Besides, I’ve got a good feeling about this one. “
“ Sir? “
“ See, Sergeant, fierce though the enemy be we’ve got something they don’t. “
“ Sir, you’re talking in riddle— “
“ Friends, sergeant ! We have friends! “
“ Sir, I hardly think the fine Twyvarians have no friends. Surely, they value their peers as much as— “
“ Sergeant, let me spuriously speciest in peace, please, and pass me that marker-smoke. Our friends have artillery. “
“ Sir, so do the Twyvari—- “
“ Fine, fine, I apologize for my prejudice and I’m sure the Twyvarians are as loving towards their fellows as I am and since they almost blew me up I do rate their artillery high now can we please get on with ruining their day? “
> I’d like to order a saturation barrage around HH23 from our 16cm guns, which should be ready?
>With the delay, the Twyvarians will advance right into it, and the confusion will assist Haile.