>>5751697This is your first-time seeing Handa-san in the office and her current, dignified appearance is a hard contrast to the sweat-stained soccer uniform you saw her in previously.
Or the tear-stained, frantic version of that when the strange fan suddenly rushed the field.
Her modest clothing is various shades of brown, with both the clothing and her brown hair decorated with red ribbons.
Cute as a button.
Put a beret on her and have work the register at a coffeeshop and soon you'll have lovestruck men happily burning their money on their fifth coffee of the day.
The office itself is fairly plain, though it carries a heavy scent of cigarette smoke.
A noticeboard with a schedule, a desk with a computer, and a table with four chairs for meetings.
You smile back and place the lattés on the table before turning back and closing the door.
The sound of Kaba Renjiro's phone call dims as you do.
You take the coffees from the tray.
<span class="mu-g">"These are for us,"</span> -- You say, placing one in front of Handa and then yourself -- <span class="mu-g">"some coffee from a place nearby. Thanks for making time to meet with me."</span>
Handa takes the paper cup gratefully, sliding it towards herself.
<span class="mu-g">"Thank you, Nagata-san,"</span> Handa says, some concern slipping into her face. <span class="mu-g">"How are your injuries?"</span>
You sit down in the seat opposite of hers.
<span class="mu-g">"Nearly recovered. Just some bruises left."</span>
Handa places a hand on her upper chest and sighs in relief, <span class="mu-g">"I'm glad to hear it."</span>
<span class="mu-g">"How about yourself? How are you doing?"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"I was unharmed because of your efforts. Remember?"</span> says Handa, tilting her head.
She then smiles, <span class="mu-g">"You really saved me back then."</span>
<span class="mu-g">"I meant more,"</span> you say, pausing to find the words to put this delicately, <span class="mu-g">"It must've been shocking. What happened, that is."</span>
<span class="mu-i">Hey girl, how's your trauma?</span>