>>6190891The men prodded and turned the corpses around. They kicked in the doors of the huts that were still standing and pulled apart those that were half-collapsed.
“Prince Alric.” Langston greeted you. “A great victory today.”
As much as that was kissing ass, he was right. First the night action that practically made the gnoll warband combat inefficient and then this. More than two hundred gnolls were dead, real number closer to two-fifty after all the bodies are counted. The leader of this warband, the gnoll mage, seemed to be dead and now you had their camp to plunder.
“It was a good victory, but don’t rest yet. We still have a campaign to win.” You said back to him.
“What shall we do next?” He asked. “What are your orders?”
“Count the dead, collect their weapons and whatever loot there is, find anything interesting amongst them and bring it to me.” You replied to him.
“Understood Prince Alric.” Langston said back and gave you a deep nod. He seemed to be rather fine at being ordered around. “Anything else, shall we return back to the basecamp after everything is searched here?”
That was a good question, how much time would you be spending here. It was nearly noon right now and searching everything would take a couple of hours. At this point Captain Maxwell probably already had escorted all the wounded to the basecamp and arranged the patrols around there. They would be safe for now so you weren’t exactly in a hurry, but sooner you engage the remaining gnolls the better. Just you didn’t want to miss anything around here.
>Search the surroundings and the camp thoroughly. You don’t want to miss anything in here even if it takes a bit more time.>The camp itself is the priority, make sure every stone is turned around here and anything useful has been recovered.>You are in a somewhat of a hurry. Clear the camp and burn the corpses, you would have found anything useful by now.>Turn the men around and march back to the basecamp. You have a feeling that you are going to be fighting more gnolls rather shortly.>Other, write in.QM: You are where the Syndicate? text is or thereabouts.