Okay. Let's hope your memory isn't playing tricks on you. You clap your hands four times. One, two, three, four. The shadowy figure tilts its head in confusion. You then fall to your knees a bit too hard for your liking before clasping your hands together and closing your eyes.
[SCHOLAR OF THE CITY] You were never a fervent believer of N-Corp's religion but this ritual is a simple prayer meant to offer safe passage towards someone.
"WhAATTtt...arE YOU <span class="mu-r">DOING, CAROL?</span>" A hand roughly grabs you by the shoulder. A set of razor sharp claws dig into your shoulder. You grip your teeth as you feel some sort of thick liquid leaking onto your shoulder from the entity's hand. You keep your focus on the prayer. <span class="mu-r">"InsULLLTING ME?! SHOWING meEEE MY SAlvvaTTTion I caann'TT REACH?!"</span>
>-1 FLESH! 3/5 LEFT!<span class="mu-r">"I TASTedDD yoUR blOOD WATErrrrRR! I HelLDDLDDD you aSS you CriED for HElPP. YEEeeTTT YOU REtuRNEDdd. TO MOCCKkk ME WItH THEIR tonGUEs-"</span> You suddenly feel the entity let go. "I. I. Are you doing this for me?" Its voice clears up for the briefest of moments. You hear it back away from you with heavy, hesitant footsteps. "T-To give me yoUr SalVaat-" It stops mid sentence.
<span class="mu-i">This is His last chance to find his True Salvation. Shall He take it?</span>
<span class="mu-i">She won't even look at me. She doesn't want to see me like this. After what I did.</span>
"I'm. I'm sorrRRY." <span class="mu-b">FINAL FLASH OF EXISTENCE</span> mutters out. "I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm soRRy." You open your left eye just enough to see that now, the anomaly is on its knees. Sobbing. Covering its face with its hands in a desperate attempt to hide itself away from you.
"It's okay." You mutter out before standing back up. You glance back at the eyeball staring down at you. It simply shakes itself in a rough attempt to mimic a human nod.
"I'M SorRRy I'm SORRY I'm SorrY I'm SorryYY." Final Flash keeps muttering to itself. It's curled up in the fetal position on the feather covered floor. "please forgive me pLEAse PLEASE."
<span class="mu-s">"YOU REMINDED HIM OF THE LIGHT. GOOD. YOU MAY LEAVE NOW, 'CAROL'."</span> The eyeball says with a knowing tone. <span class="mu-s">"IF HE CAN PROMISE TO REACH HEAVEN WITHOUT VIOLENCE, HE MAY REACH HIS SALVATION."</span>
<span class="mu-s">"GOODBYE."</span>
"PlEASE, don't ForGEET ME-"
<span class="mu-i">Salvation is available to even the most horrid of sinners.</span>
<span class="mu-i">I wish I could hold her again. Just for a moment. Why did I do it?</span>
https://youtu.be/XQKsSNk9Fyc - ABANDONED
You are falling again. Upside: It was only for ten feet. Downside: Landing back first onto a faux-wood table fucking hurts. <span class="mu-g">Thankfully your combat bodysuit blocked THAT damage.</span> You glance around to see you're in a small break room in the middle of some random abandoned building.
Wait, you recognize this place. This is a cache about three blocks away from that meat shop you were walking away from. Huh. The anomalies were nice enough to drop you to your next location. "Thanks." You say to the empty room.