>>5602835I think I'm facing the wrong way. I should be facing north. Not sure if it is just a mistake during processing or if I did my movement incorrectly and miscounted how much movement I had. The turn 8 movement appears to have me move south-east twice, then pivot to face south before moving another tile south.
What I intended was to move one tile south-east, pivot south, move one tile south so that I'd temporarily be occupying the same space as the ammo trucks, - which I recall be allowed as long as you don't end your turn in an occupied square - then move one tile south-east and then pivot to face north. [pic related]
I'm not sure if the movement portrayed and the movement I just described are the same but it just looks different to my eye, or if I am blind and I actually am facing north but just can't tell. The key difference is just that I wanted to end up facing north, hence me not moving through 'city' tiles that I couldn't be sure the road bonus applied to and because I was under the impression that moving through 'city' tiles cost 2 tile of movement to move through unless they have a road going through them, hence my issue with how my movement seems to have been interpreted. (Though to be fair 29ff is also adjacent to the roads and apparently there has been some pretty generous interpretations on what counts as 'next to a road in prior threads')