Quoted By:
>''Goessioto...How do you know all this yet have done nothing about it? I know you are trying to engage the Process but surely you would've taken some measures against such dangers by now wouldn't you? Look, I am the goddess of the mind, if there's anybody that can do something when it comes to an ill of the mind like this it would be me. I would bring my other companions here in order to face this Ginnungagap, manifestation it may be it I do not believe it to be the Dark Lord himself.''
>''Could you please do the courtesy of letting me see your heart's true intent? You are acting strangely...Do not think this as malice or any kind but I can perceive the Dark One's influence and only wish to be sure of something. You are dead serious that killing him is the only out of this, so I must ask you to let me see your true intentions. If you know of the infiltrators yet did nothing about them by now I assume there's something more to it."
'Why would you not?'
[GOESSIOTO] "My mind is private. You are not to invade it with your meddlesomeness. I must keep my focus while I procure the Cintamani. I have already made a batch and I am NOT letting it go to waste..."
[GOESSIOTO] "Leave, now."
[MAJORDOMO] "Alright, let me kick in."