>>5301122>>5301570You offer the smelly creature a jar of lecithin, a handle of Ooze-O, and 12 cents.
He doesn't have much use for the lecithin, and the 12 cents is almost an insult, but he takes them anyway. On the other hand, your fishy friend's eyes light up with glee once he spots the Ooze-O; it's a kuo-shoota delicacy, and this one bottle costs about a month's salary of blood sacrifice duty. He takes the booze and gladly allows you to hop in the back.
You ride with the fishman through long stretches of tunnel until Pin tells you to get off at a certain ledge. Your gracious driver opts to take a moment to savor his drink.
Surrounded by lavafalls is what appears to be a small village, walled off by stone barriers and a small moat.
You throw rocks at the drawbridge until someone comes to the door. It's another derrong, who asks for your identification, passport, and reason for coming.
What do?
>Bribe the guard>Go round the back and try to sneak your way in>Ask Pin about the village>Something else?