>>5225743>>5225744>>5225746>>5225747>>5225749>>5225743>>5225744>>5225746>>5225747>>5225749"Family is a tricky thing, isn't it? There is always something that keeps you from living with them without any problems."
"I agree. I spent my life trying to be noticed by my father, and when I finally grew into a respectable position, it was like he used it as an excuse not to talk to me again." Farnese remembers how her dad treated her.
"You weren't an only child, were you? Wouldn't it be easier to connect with your simblings?"
"Not exactly... I was the only girl in the house, and my three other siblings were already way older than me, and just as busy as Father... Giorgio aimed to be the next head of the Vandimion family, being the joint owner of our family Bank. Poliziano is also affiliated with the Holy See, so it was easy to get connections with the chain knights thanks to him. I believe he's the leading candidate for the next Pontiff?"
"Seems like you really had your life forced onto you with how prepared they were to have a kid."
"When your fortune is so big, having childrens is just an easy way to train staff for future positions without directly paying them, at least that's how I felt... I'm not good with economics, and only men can be pontiffs, so it was a no-brainer for Father to put me here since I couldn't marry anyone he wanted..."
"If it makes you feel any better, I'm not really good with money either. Only reason I'm not dirt poor is because my father stashed all my fortune in a hidden part of the estate."
"Is that even allowed? What about taxation?"
"Don't know much about taxes, but I do remember my dad complaning under his breath about the taxes stealing him out of his money when they were raised."
"But he could have invested in it, couldn't he?"
"The richer he'd get, the higher the interest would be. Now I'm starting to get why he didn't bother climbing up the ranks..." Either your father was stingy, or he already had all the money he wanted and then some. And given how you haven't worried about money one time in this journey, it was probably the latter.
"Anyway, what about your third brother?" You place the conversation back on rails.
"Oh, Magnifico? There's not much to mention about him..."
"Didn't spend time with him?"
"Oh no, it's just that he's... not really a remarkable presence."
Not a single magnificent thing about him then, got it.