“Jesse, what exactly is our plan for the attack? I’m looking at the map here,” he says while folding out a large printed map of the general region. “Place looks real big and spread out. We going for a focused attack, spreading out, maybe some creative stuff? And what’s going on with the Sidewinders or those reinforcements you called up?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about that, I was just about to fill everyone in. I’ll go over things again on the road. So, here’s the plan I’ve cooked up…”
How do you organize your forces?
>Center of Gravity: Everyone sticks to one large mass to maximize concentration of forces and thus power at any given point, perhaps enabling a defeat in detail.>Pincers: Split your forces in two halves that will attack from different directions to confuse enemy response and potentially allowing for some kind of flank attack.>Broad Front: Split up the force into three or more groups that all attack at once to pin down defenders or perhaps even confuse them into thinking your force is much larger than it is.Will you wait for the reinforcements you’ve called in?
>Wait for them to arrive before doing anything to ensure maximum fighting force.>Attack immediately to prevent the enemy from further organizing a defense.What orders do you give the Sidewinder platoon in the desert?
>Tell them to stay in reserve and wait for further orders.>Tell them to move up to Sacaton with the main force against a certain direction [Specify>Tell them to do something else entirely [Write-In]And which districts as per the map, do you choose to attack, selecting one per group in your overall force (i.e. depending on the first choice)
>Citadel: Cluster of law enforcement buildings such as the police department and detention facilities.>Hub: A large area comprising of community areas such as shopping centers and hospital buildings.>Abodes: The general residential area the bulk of the population lives in with scattered miscellaneous buildings.>Admin: The cluster of government and administrative buildings up in the northeast part of the town with some community and residential areas.