JEROME replies:
-JAnET hass beeennn dedtexted aattt thee Innnformmatiomn Maannnagenment Faccilliityyy (IMF)
-Connttrol too Aeeeroponiiccs ss haa ss beeenn llooosstt...
There is a sudden exploding shower of sparks. The Sword-Servant voidship is beginning uncontrolled descent...
>...?>Abandon the voidship now>Head to the Information Management Facility: You must hunt down this JANET, it must be corrupting the autonomous systems on the ship. Perhaps there is still time to restore control afterwards? >Study the AESCHERE sphere. Where has it come from?>>5273417(QM: there is always this choice, if you need it)
Switch to a different frame:
>bioframe>synthframe>cyberframe>hybridframex mechframe (assault exo currently equipped)