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As the situation evolves, an increasing portion of the colony's population succumbs to ampheticane berserk frenzy, and an increasing portion of the command ship's organic crew succumbs to ampheticane berserk withdrawal. The D-techs take it upon themselves to provide the various ragers with means of erecting further brutality.
The following equipment will become available during the next supply drop:
Heavy Rifle - Baby's first heavy weapon. Good stopping power, low firerate, middling accuracy. Theoretically has enough range to serve as artillery in a pinch, and capable of firing special munitions.
Standard ammo is solid shells, alternate ammo can be things like high explosives, gas canisters, etc.
Rifle itself costs 3 points and comes with one complimentary drum of ammo of your choice.
A single drum of alternate ammo costs 0.5 points and lasts as long as narratively appropriate. You don't need a rifle to buy these.
AP Gatling - Developed based on the weapon recovered by Halberd Intergalactic, it's basically six AP cannons strapped together. Has a firerate of "yes" and an accuracy of "no". Makes angry mobs a non-issue, but is ineffective against single small targets or heavily armored targets. And bottom line help you if you have to face a small AND armored target...
Costs 3 points.
Impact Driver - Ammo-fed, pneumatic pickaxe, perfect for performing lobotomies on armored subjects.
Costs 2 points.
Large Pipes - Pipes that were... "borrowed" from the command ship's life support systems (don't worry about it). Leaded.
Costs 0.1 point.
Boombox - Confiscated from the break room after it was found that the meat shields were having an unapproved amount of fun. Sentient, as all AKSG appliances are, but without the means or the wisdom to apply that sentience, as all AKSG appliances are. And yes, "AKSG appliances" includes ampheticane bricks.
Costs 0.1 point.
Marlboros(tm) - Genuine Marlboros(tm) substitute, imported directly from Luna-17. Cost has been adjusted accordingly.
Costs 1 point.