Quoted By:
Perusing your list of half-assed responses in your head, you go for broke and choose the most promising of the options:
<span class="mu-s">WRITE-IN!</span>
“Hm.” Sybil remarks as she studies you quietly. “Alright then.”
Come on, you beg, she can’t leave you hanging like that–did you win? Did you <span class="mu-i">WIN?!</span>
“Not entirely,” The Goth replies with a pitying look on her face, “In fact, your response has convinced me of two things: first, you’re right–this device <span class="mu-i">does</span> affect your cognitive abilities. Second: you <span class="mu-i">really</span> need to see a doctor after all this, Stan–your head, it’s-”
Yep, yep, yep, you interrupt, so what <span class="mu-i">DID</span> she say, anyways? Spill the beans!
“No.” She says with a devious grin! “I don’t wanna. Suffice it to say that the test worked–if you were cognisant at the time, you would have reacted <span class="mu-i">much</span> differently, I assure you.”
<span class="mu-i">This</span> bitch… No matter, you shrug, you’ll just get her drunk later and ask her then!
“It’s a date. Now then, where did you say you found this again?”
Like you said, you explain, your <span class="mu-g">BOSS</span> showed you it during your little brunch date–apparently <span class="mu-g">THE ORDER</span> whipped it up!
“Them again…” Sybil groans, shaking her pale fist in the air. “Well I suppose that makes sense–my opinions aside, Curt and his little entourage <span class="mu-i">do</span> have the resources and knowledge to craft something like this… not that it’s exceptionally difficult to produce, mind.”
You frown as you take a seat back on the bed. Sonny mentioned that, yea–said it was similar to a stud finder, or something!
“Mmmore along the lines of a dipstick in a car.” Sybil shrugs. Ha, <span class="mu-i">dipstick!</span> “Tools like these are generally used during the <span class="mu-b">ENCHANTING PROCESS</span> to determine how much magical energy an object absorbs.”
“You say dat’ like it doesn’t always work.” says Ly as you feel your head cock to the side. Yea!
“The process is by no means <span class="mu-i">perfect</span> given the materials enchanters work with…” Sybil explains. “There’s always a bit of ‘waste material’ in each enchantment--many believe that's why there's so much around us--but true artisans can minimize that leakage with the proper precautions.” She pauses to gesture at you. “But as you’re no doubt aware, <span class="mu-b">WILD MAGIC</span> doesn’t always follow the guidelines.”
Yea, you huff, it really peeves you off!