>>5370353>>5370349>>5370125>>5370123>>5370431>Combat, of course! To submission, death, or until one side is unable to continue. you'd have it no other way!>71, 54, 57All things considered, you're getting pretty excited for things. Not just a worthy opponent, but a huge audience cheering both sides on... you're so used to things being one-sided with the humans, always in fear of you, always against you. With fellow ocean dwellers, they recognize you as their own and you haven't done anything negative yet which would hinder that.
<span class="mu-b">"...combat. Yeah, combat!"</span>
A wave of cheers spreads though the ever-gathering audience when it is heard your choice, feeling pretty good about it as you look around you. In fact, this is actually pretty fun you think, and you're of half a mind to seek every challenge available! A fight, a race, a debate, and who knows what else! The king is a worthy opponent indeed, as he accepts your choice of combat with a raised fist, so probably would accept any other challenge. However best to focus on one thing at a time for now, and let the rest to later if you can.
For now, you've got a fight to win, as the floor of the amphitheater begins to clear or be cleared (by royal guards) to give the two of you much needed space for what is to come. Fanfare and announcements trumpet through the water and surely far beyond the makeshift arena, as anticipation rises for the challenge. All that remains then is to take your positions for what is to follow, Faysal wishing for god's guidance upon you before stepping away himself.
<span class="mu-r">"Whenever you wish, you are the challenger."</span> the king addresses you, finally ready to fight with his trident at the ready.
<span class="mu-b">"Yes, yes... but, above? Even less to get in our way, and better for all to see."</span> as a last minute revelation, you gesture upwards from the amphitheater to the open ocean. Though this causes upset among the royal court who won't benefit form their seating, and it surely puts you at a disadvantage to the king who is a better swimmer, you prefer it for a plan of attack you have in mind.
<span class="mu-r">"Excellent... excellent! Let all the ocean bear witness!"</span>
You continue to stir the king's emotions, even more eager than you are for this now. Surprise after another, he's clearly looking forward to something challenging, something interesting for a change. With the bishop fish serving as judge then, it is when the fanfare and bustle of the audience dies down, that the signal to being is given.
And like that, the two of you surge up through the water from the amphitheater and into the open ocean above, causing a strong enough current in your wake to scatter those sea folk unprepared for the power of such clashing mighty beings.