Now that you've been going at it for a bit, you know the Fing just plows through.
You're mostly healthy, your kludge armor still goodish; you'll take whatever it can dish for one round and finish the Unworldly puke.
>juzz geddinerre>take a lick>n cut itz TONKERS ORF>no wait it has no tonkers>CUTT ITS HEDD ORF DENN>N PLUP THE NECK 'OLEOut of respect for the 100, QM has optimized Mo Ao's rolls. >Mo Ao rolls 31 -15 =16>Toady roll 77+5 = 82You eat the clumsy heavy smash on your back
>OOFand by trained reflex go into the Eight Transformations, squirming from the point of impact to face the limb, then you're squirreling up it in a killykilly frenzy.
You go as fast as accurately as you can up something with no consistent proportion or ossic architecture, taking the opportunity of its lowered shoulder to reach
>YER FACE>GLARKSUCKAYour Dagga goes in its nosehole immediately, and you lever it as many times as you can in opposing directions. Keeping your grip on the folds of its flesh with your feet
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">nerrrrrr ikyikyyuhkk</span></span>
and holding the thrashing head in place with the Dagga, you get the sickle's crescent between the jaws trying to bite you, and
>YAHHHHH!!slice through the tungg, the jaws, and the spinal column.
Without missing a beat you kick off from the Fing's shoulders with the head in your hands, showing off.
You flip through the air, sticking yer jolly green chubber inna skull's neck 'ole while flipping through the air, then sticking the landing
>TADAA while holding up the Fing's head handsfree.
>>6084185Sleepfull raises his eyebrows. Points his pinkie. Over your shoulder. What-
>OHH SHI-You scramble, already digging your toes, pumping your legs to get away
>Mo Ao rolls 100-15 = 85 Hit>Toady rolls 42+5 =47 DodgeThe golfsmack sends you upwards into the foliage. Yer chubber's gone by now; the Fing's head slips off. And the foliage stops enough of your momentum that you realize you are falling just where there's nothing to grab.
>16dmg inflicted by Toady >Mo Ao is REKT>Mo Ao inflicts 20dmg >Kludge Armor soaks 2per3dmg, losing 1Dur per 3 damage, rounded up >6dmg reach Toady >7Dur lost >Toady has 4 HP left >Kludge Armor had 2/12 Dur left <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">{{U SURVIVED UR NAT1}}
{{A WINNA IZ U}}</span></span>
next post 12hrs for real.