Quoted By:
Sure, you scoff, adding in a derisive snort for good measure, you’ll hand it all over in a jiffy–there’s just one thing you wanna know first…
“I predicted as such.” Replies Curt with matching snarkiness. “Speak.”
“H-hey, Curt?” Coughs Bea, unsure of the best time to interrupt, “C-could I have some more medicine after this? I’m starting to feel-”
“Yes, dear,” The mage answers with a smile, “You’ll have all the medicine you could ever want once this is over…”
Sounds like he’s got things all planned out, you continue as you warily step back from Bea’s hulking form, aside from one important detail!
“Please,” Curt replies with a vague hand gesture, “Enlighten me.”
His whole plan hinges on TIM, right? How the hell is he supposed to trust the guy anyways? It’s not like he’s the most rational guy around…
“You’re correct–that IS a problem.” Nods the mage as he swishes your point around in his tattooed head. “Or it WOULD be… if I trusted him.”
But he just sai-
“Consider that MARROW sloshing around inside of you as a bargaining chip, Stanley.” He explains as Bea pokes her mammoth finger at your belly. “Once I’ve acquired it, LORD TIBIUS will have no recourse but to cooperate.”
So everyone keeps saying, you snarl, but what the hell does it MEAN!? You’ve got powers, sure, but-
“That marrow grants more than mere PARLOR TRICKS, you fool!” Snaps Curt as he blinks to a spot in the air closer to you, “Inside you lies most of THE LICH’S power–enriched tenfold thanks to that chance mutation of yours that refines WILD MAGIC!”
“Two times two is four–four times four is, uh…” Bea counts out loud to herself,
“SIXTEEN.” Curt impatiently interjects. “And were you a practitioner of the ARCANE ARTS, Parble, you could use that wellspring of power to MOVE MOUNTAINS! SHAPE CONTINENTS! But you know no more of magic than that wretched vermin in your pocket knows how to file a TAX RETURN.”
Looking up from a packet of thick documents, Lil’ Stanley peers over a tiny set of reading glasses and hisses at the mage!
So that’s it, huh? TIM’s investing a little? Cashing out now that you’ve juiced up his marrow?
“In layman's terms, yes.” Chuckles Curt as a grim smile forms on his lips. “Which is precisely why I intend on laying claim to it first.” His grin fades as quickly as it appeared. “Frankly I’m shocked your purple-haired friend didn’t beat me to the punch–then again, she IS a mere NOVICE…”
And he’s a mere PRICK, you growl! And that’s a stupid plan, too!
“Your feedback is appreciated.” Replies the mage as he waves your comment away. “Truly.”
Well THAT didn't sound genuine.