>>5849667>>5849674>>5849685>>5849687>>5849695You begin to ponder this whole "evolution" thing. It seems species are beginning to pop up without your involvement. But where do they come from? How do they evolve into these beings made up of billions of cells with no starting point? That's when it hits you. There must somehow be single-celled beings popping up in the ground or the water naturally some how, that all these creatures come from. It makes sense for Arika, since most of the planet is covered in liquid. Maybe some organisms started to form within the acid, and they eventually evolved to be the rock creatures over time.
You decide to make your own single-celled organism. An amoeba-like creature with the sentience of the average adult on Greeth. These beings live on the gas in The Green Dot, and in turn, are constantly tripping balls.
>Breath in the gas>Destroy the planet>Alter the planet>Get rid of the amoebas>Do something else