>>6123908THEMA: I think it would be cool to go to a bookstore with you.
THEMA: My underworld has quite a lot of old scrolls and such. Maybe we could have some coffee... you'd be free to peruse my library.
You REALLY want her to <span class="mu-r">peruse your erm, personal library</span>. You can't help but gnaw on your thumb and grin as you swipe through the rest of her pics on her profile while you wait for her to respond. Seems she's always been a looker; she has a picture of herself on her profile of when she used to be human, and thank Bastet below, you really lucked out. You do still want to keep your options open, so while you wait for her to respond, you do some swiping.
MAGALIE: ohhh you had me at <span class="mu-b">coffee</span>!!
MAGALIE: I mean you had me at bookstore but I loooooove coffee
THEMA: What's your drink of choice?
MAGALIE: probably coffee
MAGALIE: OH you mean what kind of coffee?
THEMA: Yes, haha.
MAGALIE: I've gotten addicted to Haitian Blue coffee
MAGALIE: my family's from Haiti so it feels like home when I brew a pot
THEMA: That's sweet.
THEMA: I usually get an Iced Americano if I'm getting coffee, but I'm a tea girl through and through.
MAGALIE: ohh reading with a cup of tea is such a vibe
MAGALIE: but nothing will beat a mug of coffee and a good book for me
MAGALIE: maybe curling up with an Egyptian queen would ;)
THEMA: That can certainly be arranged.
You notice you're kicking your feet slightly. You stop. Embarassing... This is good, you think.
MAGALIE: do you read much?
THEMA: Not as much as I'd like to, that's for sure.
THEMA: My work doesn't give me nearly enough time.
MAGALIE: oh that is so sad
THEMA: It's not so bad. I like what I do.
You should probably move the conversation to another topic.
THEMA: I noticed your profile mentioned cats.
MAGALIE: <span class="mu-b">yes!!</span> do you have any
THEMA: I do. I have a little Egyptian Mau named Layla.
THEMA: What about you?
MAGALIE: ahh! layla is such a cute name I don't think I've ever seen an egyptian mau before
MAGALIE: and yes I so do I have three
MAGALIE: I have a feeling they are still asleep but I'll see if I can find a good pic of them
MAGALIE: I didn't know any other Egyptian cat breed except like sphynx cats
THEMA: I don't think sphynx cats are Egyptian.
THEMA: I've never seen any around, at least.
MAGALIE: oh whatt
MAGALIE: wait lemme google
MAGALIE: omg they're canadian??
THEMA: Oh wow.
MAGALIE: that is like the polar opposite of Egypt
MAGALIE: shame on me for assuming actually
This is an awkward moment. Oh hang on, you got a notification on Bramble. Seems Valeria has sent you a message. Your curiousity is piqued. You could also just go back to swiping. What should you do?