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You decide to search for landmarks. To best do this, you need to find an elevated rise to survey the area...
The place is indeed pretty cold. Your suit keeps you well insulated, but the snow is deep enough to make walking slow and difficult. You'll probably only be able to visit one place per day- and even then- you may have to visit your trips away from camp to the warmest few hours of each day for the sake of the pikmin, who already show signs of slowing down in the cold.
Nearby your landing site, you find an elevated dune of snow to stand on and look over the entire Plane of Oblivion at once. Here, you see three main locations of interest.
The first is a large cavernous mouth with a very high radiation reading; your AI tells you this is another dungeon. You weren't expecting one here- but this one seems to be the most energetic and deepest of them all- and probably the most dangerous. However, with your <span class="mu-i">Radiation Shielding</span> part recovered, you can visit this dungeon without fear. Once again, your AI also warns that this dungeon will likely be the hardest and longest one you've faced yet; and will not have any ship parts in its depth. You'd have to be very confident that whatever treasure you'd find down there would be worth the risk.
The second area is a sunken crater; such as where something impacted from orbit. Underneath the snow is a very weak signal from your Signal Booster. This is the location of your final ship part.
The third and final area is a total mystery; a collection of raised snow mounds with objects tucked away. You have no idea what they could be; but your AI informs you that the chance of them being food or feedable to the Pikmin is very low, so this only exists for the sake of curiosity.
Which area will you spend today exploring?
>Travel to the Ship Part
>Explore the Cavernous Dungeon
>Visit the Mysterious Mounds