>>5310235>>5310242>11 for intimidation…Sadly insufficient, it seems. The opposing forces wince, cringing back from your fierce warcry. For a moment, you think you have them. Then, one of them throws an axe.
>12 athelticismYou attempt to dodge, but you are ill-prepared—perhaps overconfident. You had not assumed a proper, readied stance. You catch the axe in the chest, saved only by your armour. Your chestplate is notched, indented, but it deflects the blow; you’re barely winded… But winded, youa re. It takes you a second to regain your initiative…
And in that time, battle is joined.
>4Your allies are slightly outmatched and, having come to rely so heavily on your own indefatigable confidence and martial merit, they are shocked to see you disregarded and assaulted in such a manner. They react a second or two later than the save-mammals, but in these close quarters, that makes all the difference. The barbed devils fill the room, many of them flickering form sight and seeming to merge with the shadows. Your allies’ initial volley is wild, several crossbow bolts, arrows, and hurled stones nearly impacting YOU in their panic.
Then, the screams begin.
These are scavengers, but they are no carrion-pickers. These devils are warriors, and among your forces, only you are properly armoured to resist their spikes. Aside from their crude stone axes and rusted, pock-marked hammers, the your spike-studded antagonists also wield their very bodies. Once they are in melee range, re-emerging from their cloak state, counterattacks are a dangerous proposition which risk injury to the attacker. Your fire-lizards, in particular, learn that—their mouths and tails tail great injury on the first ill-fated attempt, and they recoil and retreat by necessity.
One of the barbed devils has you in its sight, too, but your greater size and armour gives it pause where its fellows rush in. The pick-axe it brandishes, though… With enough force, that could cave in your helm, pierce your skull. You are not immune to his attacks, by any means… And he’s between you and the eggs.
What do you do?
>Draw your bow and try to get a headshot before he can close distance>Wrestle his pick away from him—he has no other easy means to slay you, and then he’s at your mercy>An honourable duel will suffice—you’ll win, and then the eggs are yours>Fall back to rally your forces, preserving their lives but risking the eggs>Use a <Jump> to leap over this foe, and garb the eggs before anyone else can steal or damage them>Write-in