you pause. it's 3 am. you can take a moment to stare into space. sure. why not.
this isn't so deep underground, as far as underground subway stations go.
you hear birds chirping somewhere. presumably from a nearby staircase to the above-ground. and even errant leaves rustling.
a breeze blows over you.
the cold is starting to get to you a little. slowly, but surely, you shiver. your arms come to cradle your torso. your feet recede further into the wooden chair. maybe they'll find a somewhere cozy in your bare wooden seat.
>>5775466>Enjoy our meal and do some small talk, does she own the place or just work here, does she always work late hours, dwell on the idea for a bit. the thought of it makes you a bit anxious. it's usually her that starts the small talk.
anyway, wasn't it enough that you said thank you? that was hard enough to do already.
it's one thing to respond appropriately. you're not even sure if you can do that again. for the night, anyway.
it's another thing entirely to go out of your way to make small talk yourself.
casual interaction with others is not your strong suit.