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This is your life for the next two years, hours of boredom amid grandeur during Palace Rota followed by strenuous lessons and hearty backslapping in Drill Rota. But at least you have survived your beginning in the Dragon Guard to make it to your first Reserve Rota.
While on call for any alarum in the Palace requiring reinforcements, the Reserve Rota is used as a period of rest and recuperation by the Dragon Guard. Aside from being on standby, as well as a few spare light duties or errands that are occasionally assigned, you have most of the Rota to yourself. Most of your comrades take their ease during this time, or pursue less reputable entertainment where it can be found. You, on the other hand, intend to be a good deal more industrious with your spare time.
You have already made some commitments, which you mean to keep during your time here. You will not neglect Mikail’s training, and your lessons with Antoninus in the Cathagi dialects remain essential. You also intend to read whatever the scholar can find and transcribe relating to Ardenne, although the secretive upper halls of the Aethenaeum remain closed to him. Between that and your letters home, not to mention Sir Gilbern and Lady Vancewell separately, you are left with precious little spare time to allocate to other pursuits during your Reserve Rota.