>>5729393>>5729458>>5729620>>5729655>>5729796>>5729846>>5730022>>5730740In asking if they need assistance in recovering from the fires, their leader politely declines, as they managed to avoid any significant damages to their small clan. As for the land itself, it is in the wisdom of their ancestors that they find the answer to merely let it heal itself, for the ash will mix with the soil and promote new growth.
The strange and still frightening creatures assist you in dislodging the dragon eggs, happy to see them gone, and bid you farewell as you begin your journey back, rolling and dragging the eggs behind you. You part ways amicably with the creatures; they hope their descendants meet you in such a friendly manner again.
We now have a total of eight unhatched eggs, and will be putting in preparations to hatch some of them shortly.
>>>>><<<<<In exploring the northeast hex of the former ratfolk village, our people discover a very strange structure, a hive of some sort, almost resembling some kind of gigantic chitinous corpse of an unknown creature. Upon further investigation, nightmarish creatures rapidly emerge from it and attack, dragging several of our men into the depths of its black tunnels to a certain doom. The monsters themselves are a horrific cross between spider and dragon, with multiple limbs, claws and a maw of man-shredding teeth.
It is unknown how long this hive has been here, but it is clear that it is growing, for observation from a long distance can see that the nightmarish animals emerge at night to drag animals and other hapless wanderers back home to nourish a growing clutch of young.
What is our reaction to this?