Quoted By:
- I know! Maybe if I presented some sort of... actionable research summary! Like just the key findings of the star system data... I think Mr Vandenberg would be really interested! His security will see the incredible value of this, they will definitely allow me through...!
>Use asset MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: Let me have a look at that data... what you clearly need is a PIE CHART... and some infographics and BULLET POINTS... (use management consultants to take the complex star system colonisation data and make it into some sort of corporate-looking strategy pie chart. You can also algorithmically generate generic looking decorative stock footage of generic looking professional people pointing and smiling and looking very corporate and visionary and decisive. Because it is the future, the pie chart is probably a hologram)
>roll 1d100
>Use asset SECURITY PERSONNEL: excuse me, madam, I am afraid I am going to have to confiscate that data. Under security directive blah... (commence long exposition about how space piracy presents a security risk and this data could be used to harbour dangerous criminal extremists and fugitives in far-flung systems)
>roll 1d100
>This data is INCREDIBLY VALUABLE. You must steal it at any cost
>Just use your security personnel to beat up this researcher and take her stupid star system data.
(QM: no roll required)
>(Attempt to use KNOWLEDGE) maybe what you need to do is examine the star systems and sort by trace elements... you should look for star systems with unusually high levels of
>...um, water?
>organic compounds
>...something else?
>Perhaps you have already bought some deniable asset nearby? Select an appropriate asset from the DENIABLE ASSETS table (there will be a cost in ISD, you discover this only afterwards) For instance, you could attempt to hack and transfer a copy of her data, or threaten her with some blackmail into giving it to you
>roll 1d100