>>5652958>>5652828>>5652834You actually also made me think, for the VAMPIRE OIL RIG roleplaying scenario, what sort of unnerving opening horror music might you use? Well here is some music from Bioshock 2. I actually liked Bioshock 2 the best even though the first was obivously more original and pioneering (I was also massively hyped for Infinite, but the gameplay characters and story were extremely disappointing to me) Bioshock 2 dual wielding plasmids and guns reminded me of Clive Barker's Undying hehe.
This mysterious song comes from one of the most memorable moments of the game, when the roles are reversed and you play as a Little Sister creeping around with a syringe hehe. I had also thought about adding this song to some playlist for a potential !notJackTheRipper !notSherlockHolmes 19th century Victorian London setting I was contemplating.
Bioshock 2 OST
How She Sees The World