Rolled 35, 31 = 66 (2d100)
>>6054524>>6054471>>6054380>>6054356Things built before Flashtime have an unmistakable look; far away, they're large, and up close, it's as if an infinite army of craftsmen built every pipe and fixture just so for a perfect fit. Even after generations of decay, this is still visible.
Your best bet is that the methane plant was built on top of the ruins of an existing structure, reusing part of it; the concrete foundations and corners still stand, as do some outbuildings, including the only one still in use.
You and Axle steer well clear of it, and search around for anything that isn't too rusted or corroded.
You identify what's left of the bellows and pipings that turned dog crap into fuel; later construction that, by the look of it, burned or deflagrated. Maybe the person who knew how to operate the machine died with no heir; maybe there was a fight over dominance.
These buildings often have dank corners, and as much as the place has probably been picked clean, you may get lucky and find an anthill with repletes. (Repletes: Ants that act as the colony's sugar repositories. Safe to eat IRL, surprisingly.)
One thing you do notice is that the outbuilding where people are queued up has a guard, a guy about Axle's size holding a spear and wearing what looks like a red-brown sash.